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Resource | Research and Data 2023 Summer Non-Congregate Meal Service Sponsor Survey

Beginning in summer 2023, families in certain rural areas could get meals and snacks for their kids picked up or delivered at no cost with SUN Meals To-Go. This flexible approach helped sponsors get more meals to more children! 

In a recent survey, many of our sponsors (86%) said they plan to continue offering SUN Meals To-Go for future summers.

FNS Program Participation Dashboard

The program participation dashboard is an interactive tool that provides FNS nutrition program data, including participation and meals served, at the state, territory, and national levels. 

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations CN Program Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, July 2020 - Dec. 2021

This data collection fulfills states’ reporting requirements and describes trends in program participation during the COVID-19 pandemic from July 2020 through Dec. 2021. It is part of an ongoing study series examining CN program operations, repurposed to collect waiver reports from all states. A previous report in the series detailed waiver usage and trends in program participation and operations from March through Sept. 2020.

Child Nutrition Dashboard

The goal of the dashboard is to provide national and state level visualization of meals served, participation, and funding data for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and Summer Food Service Program. The dashboard can be used by federal, state, and local organizations to assess trends in child nutrition program activity.

Resource | Research and Data Child Nutrition Tables
Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Summer Food Service Program Integrity Study

The Summer Food Service Program Integrity Study was designed to improve understanding of how state agencies provide oversight of the SFSP. To address the research objectives, the study examined such areas as sponsor and site selection, training and technical assistance, meal counting and claiming, and reviews. The findings, based on data collected in 2021, also offered some preliminary responses about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SFSP operations.

Basic page Summer Food for Children Demonstrations

On Dec. 23, 2022, Congress authorized Summer EBT as a permanent, nationwide program. FNS is quickly developing more guidance on Summer EBT, and we look forward to working with our partners in states and local communities as we implement this program.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Child Nutrition Program Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, March Through September 2020

This data collection fulfills states’ reporting requirements and describes trends in program participation during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is part of an ongoing study series examining CN program operations, repurposed to collect waiver reports from all states.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations School Food Authority Survey on Supply Chain Disruption

The School Food Authority Survey on Supply Chain Disruptions was administered by FNS from November 8th through December 13th through a 20-minute online questionnaire. The survey was sent to all SFAs operating child nutrition programs to gather information on the scope of the supply chain disruptions and school meal operations during school year 2021-22.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations USDA Summer Meals Study

The Summer Meals Study provides a comprehensive, nationally representative assessment of the two summer meal programs operated by USDA: the Summer Food Service Program and the National School Lunch Program Seamless Summer Option. It is the first national study to simultaneously examine the facilitators and barriers to program participation among participating and nonparticipating families, sponsors, and sites. This study examines the characteristics of participating and nonparticipating children, including sociodemographic characteristics, household food security status, reasons for participation or nonparticipation, and satisfaction with the meals served to children in the summer of 2018. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021