Effective as of the October 2024 SNAP quality control sample month, all reviewers must follow the procedures outlined in the updated FNS Handbook 310 dated October 2024.
To address deficiencies in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program administration, FNS regulations require state agencies to implement corrective action plans. This document covers corrective action planning procedures, requirements, and deadlines for state agency performance as indicated by quality control data.
Policy guidance, lessons learned, and toolkits to operate a successful D-SNAP program.
The purpose of this Toolkit is to provide state agencies with guidance and resources to plan and implement Employment and Training (E&T) Programs under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called the Food Stamp Program).
FNS is issuing this guide to clarify who is considered elderly and disabled for purposes of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the requirements and dynamics of the excess medical expenses deduction.
The following review tools are provided as a convenience to FNS regional office and state agency reviewers for use with “Conducting Program Access Reviews at Local Food Stamp Offices: A Guide for FNS Regional Offices, For Adaptation by State Agencies.”
This guidance, which updates the original August 2000 guidance, is provided to assist FNS regional offices in conducting PARs. It is intended that state agencies will adapt this guidance when monitoring the program access portion of the ME reviews of their food stamp project areas (or counties).