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Resource | Posters ¡Los bebés lactados son bienvenidos aquí! – afiche y mensaje gráfico

El afiche ¡Los bebés lactados son bienvenidos aquí! ayuda a los proveedores del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos a mostrar su apoyo a la lactancia materna y a los bebés amamantados. 

Resource | Posters Breastfed Babies Welcome Here! Poster and Message Graphic

The Breastfed Babies Welcome Here! poster helps Child and Adult Care Food Program providers show their support for breastfeeding and breastfed babies. 

Resource | Posters Team Nutrition Posters

Team Nutrition has a variety of posters for schools, summer sites, and child care (centers, homes, and sponsors). When available, child nutrition program operators may request printed copies, while supplies last.

Resource | Posters And Justice for All Posters (Guidance and Translations)

The appropriate “And Justice for All” poster is to be prominently displayed in all offices where there is a USDA presence and where it may be read by customers.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Materiales de Ofrecer versus Servir

Estos materiales se pueden utilizar como herramientas para educar a los estudiantes y a los profesionales de la nutrición escolar sobre Ofrecer versus Servir (OVS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Offer Versus Serve Materials

These materials can be used as tools to educate students and school nutrition professionals on Offer vs Serve.

Resource | Posters Afiches de “And Justice for All” (Instrucciones y Traducciones)

The appropriate “And Justice for All” poster is to be prominently displayed in all offices where there is a USDA presence and where it may be read by customers.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Summer Food, Summer Moves Resource Kit

Summer Food, Summer Moves is a fun, hands-on resource kit designed to get kids and families excited about healthy eating and physical activity during the summer months. 

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Kit de recursos: Alimentos de verano, pasos de verano

Alimentos de verano, pasos de verano es un kit de recursos divertido y práctico diseñado para que los niños y las familias se entusiasmen con la alimentación saludable y la actividad física durante los meses de verano.

Resource | Nutrition Education Team Nutrition Elementary School Posters

Use these posters to encourage elementary school children to make healthy food choices.

FNS-467 A, B, C, D
Page updated: October 14, 2021