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Resource | Training and Outreach MiPlato

Team Nutrition proporciona materiales de MiPlato desarrollados específicamente para niños y sus padres/tutores.

Resource | Training and Outreach MyPlate

Celebrate MyPlate’s birthday by sharing MyPlate resources with students, families, and peers.

Resource | Factsheets MyPlate Guide To School Lunch

This factsheet highlights how a variety of healthy foods from each MyPlate food group are included as part of a school lunch. Learn about ways to help children make healthy food and beverage choices at school.

Resource | Factsheets MiPlato para el Almuerzo Escolar

Esta infografía destaca cómo una variedad de alimentos saludables de cada grupo de MiPlato son parte de un almuerzo escolar.

Resource | Infographics MyPlate Guide To School Breakfast

This infographic highlights healthy foods that are part of a balanced school breakfast.  Learn about why eating breakfast is important for learning, and how parents can help their child eat a healthy breakfast at school.

Resource MiPlato para el desayuno escolar

Esta infografía destaca comidas saludables que forman parte de un desayuno escolar balanceado. Conozca por qué desayunar es importante para el aprendizaje y cómo los padres pueden ayudar a que sus niños coman un desayuno saludable en la escuela.

Resource | Policy Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 was released on December 29, 2020. These are the 9th edition of the Dietary Guidelines.

Resource | Infographics DGA Committee Report vs. Dietary Guidelines

What’s the dfference between the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report & the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Resource | Research and Data | Food/Nutrient Analysis Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply, 2000-2006

This report presents historical data on the availability of nutrients in the U.S. food supply from 2000-2006. The data and trends presented in this report are invaluable for monitoring the potential of the food supply to meet nutritional needs; for examining relationships between food supplies, diet, and health; and for examining dietary trends of Americans. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021