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Resource | Policy Memos FD-40: Inventory Draw Down in USDA Foods Processing (Revised)

This memorandum provides clarification on the value pass through methods available under 7 CFR 250.36 and on the timing of processor inventory reductions of USDA Foods under each system.

Resource | Training and Outreach USDA Foods Program Disaster Manual

This manual contains important information for persons in FNS headquarters, FNS regional offices, and distributing agencies, which include state distributing agencies and Indian Tribal Organizations that are charged with the responsibility of providing USDA Foods to disaster relief organizations in the event of a disaster, emergency, or situation of distress.

Resource | Policy Memos 2021-22 National School Lunch Program USDA Foods Entitlement Calculations

Pursuant to section 2202(a) of the FFCRA, FNS is establishing a nationwide opt-in waiver to help minimize the impact of coronavirus related school closures on USDA Foods entitlement calculations.

Resource | Policy Memos Management of Donated Food Inventories at Processors

This memorandum addresses inventory limitations and requirements that USDA Foods processors must follow when manufacturing processed end products for use in child nutrition programs.

Resource | Guidance Documents Instruction 709-5: Shipment and Receipt of USDA Foods

This instruction establishes the general standards and procedures that the state distributing agency, Indian Tribal Organization, or other consignee must follow in receiving shipments of USDA Foods, and conveys established responsibilities for other entities such as USDA Foods vendors and carriers.

Resource | Policy Memos Donated Food Storage, Distribution, and Product Dating

This memorandum is meant to provide clarification and guidance on policies and procedures for donated food storage and distribution as they relate to product dating.

Resource | Policy Memos Value of USDA Donated Foods for Audits: Revised

The purpose of this policy memorandum is to clarify the options available to state distributing agencies or recipient agencies in assigning value to USDA donated foods for audit purposes.

Resource | Policy Memos Alternative Value Pass-Through System Pilot Project under the Department of Defense Fresh Program

The revised policy memo requires supplemental reporting from processors and requires state verification of credits provided by the processor to the SFA. Processors wishing to continue participation in the pilot will have to sign the attached revised NPA amendment to extend their participation in the pilot.

Resource | Policy Memos Cancellation of Policy Memorandum FD-085, Nonfat Dry Milk Processing

Policy Memorandum FD-085, Nonfat Dry Milk Processing is cancelled. The Commodity Credit Corporation no longer has nonfat dry milk available for donation as a bulk commodity for reprocessing and all inventory of this product has been depleted.

Resource | Policy Memos Minimum Inventory Protection Requirements for Processors Participating in the National Processing Program

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform processors of minimum inventory protection requirements effective beginning in School Year 2014-2015.

Page updated: October 14, 2021