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Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Materiales de Ofrecer versus Servir

Estos materiales se pueden utilizar como herramientas para educar a los estudiantes y a los profesionales de la nutrición escolar sobre Ofrecer versus Servir (OVS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela intermedia/secundaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de escuela intermedia y secundaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela primaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de primaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance OVS Middle/High School Breakfast Poster

This poster is used educate middle and high school students in selecting a reimbursable breakfast under Offer versus Serve.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance OVS Elementary School Breakfast Poster

This poster is used to educate elementary students in selecting a reimbursable breakfast under Offer versus Serve.

Resource | Technical Assistance & Guidance Offer Versus Serve Materials

These materials can be used as tools to educate students and school nutrition professionals on Offer vs Serve.

Resource | Infographics Stronger with School Meals Educational Materials

School meals, and the school nutrition professionals that provide them, help children be strong physically and mentally. Celebrate the school community and promote healthy foods with these fun new school meals materials.

Resource | Nutrition Education Healthy Eating Index (HEI)

The Healthy Eating Index is a measure of diet quality used to assess how well a set of foods aligns with key recommendations and dietary patterns published in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Dietary Guidelines). The Dietary Guidelines is designed for nutrition and health professionals to help individuals and families consume a healthful and nutritionally adequate diet. 

Resource | Nutrition Education How the HEI Is Scored

CNPP uses the Healthy Eating Index to provide a data-driven understanding of diet quality in the United States over time. The HEI-2015 can be used to see how well the diets of Americans align with the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Resource | Nutrition Education HEI Resources

The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a measure of diet quality used to assess how well a set of foods aligns with key recommendations and dietary patterns published in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Dietary Guidelines). The Dietary Guidelines is designed for nutrition and health professionals to help individuals and families consume a healthful and nutritionally adequate diet. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021