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Resource | Policy FD-069: Eligibility of ITOs and other Tribal Entities to Participate in TEFAP (Revised)

This memorandum provides guidance regarding the eligibility of ITOs and other Tribal entities to participate in TEFAP and to outline several best practices for working with ITOs and other Tribal entities in TEFAP.

Resource | Policy Maintenance of Lists of Eligible Recipient Agencies Participating in TEFAP (Revised)

This memorandum provides guidance to TEFAP state agencies on maintaining lists of eligible recipient agencies (ERAs) that participate in TEFAP in their state or territory, and applicable program regulations related to these lists.

Resource | Policy Participant Eligibility in TEFAP (Revised)

This policy manual provides updated guidance for TEFAP state agencies on establishing criteria and methods for determining the eligibility of households to receive USDA Foods for home consumption in TEFAP.

Resource | Technical Assistance USDA Foods in Disaster Response

FNS coordinates with state, local, and disaster relief organizations including Indian Tribal Organizations to provide nutrition assistance to those affected by major disasters, emergencies, and situations of distress.  This disaster assistance includes USDA Foods Disaster Assistance. 

Resource | Technical Assistance USDA Foods Database

Check out this database to access vendor-specific product information for all direct delivered USDA Foods for the National School Lunch Program.

Resource | Training and Outreach FDPIR Food Package Review Work Group Minutes

Meeting and conference call notes from the FDPIR Food Package Review Work Group.

Resource | Training and Outreach USDA Foods e-Letters

USDA Foods from Farm to Plate e-letters feature resources, news, and best practices, rotating our monthly focus between a trio of program-specific e-letters.

Resource | Training and Outreach Delivery Order Status Reports

The delivery order status reports from WBSCM provide detail on orders throughout the delivery cycle. The reports are posted monthly and delivery order status data is current as of the report date.

Resource | Technical Assistance WBSCM References

References for user roles, status codes, material codes and reports, and business partners and relationships are provided to understand how WBSCM data connects with business operations.

Resource | Training and Outreach National Processing Agreement Approved Processors

List of NPA approved processors for USDA Foods in Schools by school year.  

Page updated: October 14, 2021