The purpose of Farm to Food Bank Projects is to (a) reduce food waste at the agricultural production, processing, or distribution level through the donation of food, (b) provide food to individuals in need, and (c) build relationships between agricultural producers, processors, and distributors and emergency feeding organizations through the donation of food.
Since 2008, FNS has been awarding funding for nutrition education projects through the FDPNE grants each fiscal year. Indian Tribal Organizations and state agencies that are current FDPIR allowance holders (have a direct agreement with FNS to administer FDPIR) are eligible to apply for funds to conduct projects that provide nutrition information and services to FDPIR participants. Effective FY 2023, the FDPNE competitive grant program is discontinued.
This gallery features nutrition related grant opportunities that ITOs and FDPIR program operators may be eligible to apply for. Grants are a great way to secure funding to pursue specific nutrition-related projects and initiatives.
This is the eighth video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education (FDPNE) Grant Program Request for Applications.
This is the seventh video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education Grant Program Request for Applications.
This is the sixth video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education Grant Program Request for Applications.
This is the fifth video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grant program request for applications.
This is the first video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grant program request for applications.
USDA has developed a short webinar series that explains the Food Distribution on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grant program, the changes made to the request for applications, and the grant application process.
This is the fourth video in the webisode series that reviews the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grant program request for applications.