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Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2021-0073 FD-40: Inventory Draw Down in USDA Foods Processing (Revised)

This memorandum provides clarification on the value pass through methods available under 7 CFR 250.36 and on the timing of processor inventory reductions of USDA Foods under each system.

FD-40: Processing
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2019-0029 Management of Donated Food Inventories at Processors

This memorandum addresses inventory limitations and requirements that USDA Foods processors must follow when manufacturing processed end products for use in child nutrition programs.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2019-0013 USDA Foods Processing Program: Cancellation of Policy Memoranda

In order to update and streamline policy guidance for the USDA Foods Processing Program, FNS is cancelling policy memoranda FD-009, FD-025, FD-130, FD-102, FD-030, FD-038, FD-048, FD-103, and FD-108. The guidance provided by these memoranda is outdated and has been superseded by the Final Rule: Revisions and Clarifications in Requirements for the Processing of Donated Foods, which was published on May 1, 2018.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2016-0090 Value of USDA Donated Foods for Audits: Revised

The purpose of this policy memorandum is to clarify the options available to state distributing agencies or recipient agencies in assigning value to USDA donated foods for audit purposes.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2016-0056 Alternative Value Pass-Through System Pilot Project under the Department of Defense Fresh Program

The revised policy memo requires supplemental reporting from processors and requires state verification of credits provided by the processor to the SFA. Processors wishing to continue participation in the pilot will have to sign the attached revised NPA amendment to extend their participation in the pilot.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2014-0085 Cancellation of Policy Memorandum FD-085, Nonfat Dry Milk Processing

Policy Memorandum FD-085, Nonfat Dry Milk Processing is cancelled. The Commodity Credit Corporation no longer has nonfat dry milk available for donation as a bulk commodity for reprocessing and all inventory of this product has been depleted.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2014-0018 Minimum Inventory Protection Requirements for Processors Participating in the National Processing Program

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform processors of minimum inventory protection requirements effective beginning in School Year 2014-2015.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0015 USDA Foods Bone-in-Chicken Products

USDA Food and Nutrition Service policy memo SP 26-2013, "Extending Flexibility in the Meat/Meat Alternate and Grains Maximums for School Year 2013-14" extends the flexibility regarding Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA) maximums for SY 2013-13, allowing state agencies to assess compliance based on the minimum daily and weekly serving requirements only.  

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2012-0066 Substitution and Valuation of USDA Cheese

In November 2005, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) issued Policy Memorandum FD-049 to assist school food authorities (SFAs) in providing healthier options and a wider variety of cheese products for students. The policy memorandum permits processors to substitute cheese donated by the Department of Agriculture (i.e., USDA cheese) with other varieties of cheese produced for the commercial market.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2012-0065 Approval of End Products and Monitoring of End Product Sales

The purpose of this policy memorandum is to clarify a state distributing agency's (SDA) responsibilities regarding (1) the approval of end products for processing; and (2) monitoring of sales of such end products to school food authorities (SF A) in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) by reviewing a processor's monthly performance report.

Page updated: October 14, 2021