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Resource | Policy Memos WIC Policy Memo #2023-6: Streamlining Certification Documentation Guidance

This policy memorandum provides guidance to improve outreach and streamline certification in WIC. It outlines current flexibilities and new policy for certification documentation options and aims to reduce WIC staff and participant burden.

WPM 2023-6
Resource | Policy WIC Policy Memorandum #2023-5: Data Sharing to Improve Outreach and Streamline Certification in WIC

This policy memorandum provides guidance on data sharing activities that support targeted outreach and streamlined certification processes aimed at increasing WIC participation and retention. It expresses USDA FNS support of data sharing, provides an overview of data sharing relevant to WIC, summarizes WIC program guidance on sharing confidential WIC participant data, and lays the groundwork for future guidance and resources to help WIC state agencies expand outreach and streamline the
certification process.

WPM 2023-5
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2016-0055 Verification of Certification

This memorandum provides guidance for all state agencies administering WIC related to the issuance, acceptance, and confirmation of Verification of Certification when a WIC participant moves from one service delivery area to another, particularly in the case of participants that move from one state to another.

WIC 2016-4
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2007-0006 State Agency Model Systems Transfers

This policy memorandum outlines the requirements for the revised WIC Advance Planning Document process and provides additional guidance to state agencies that are interested in the transfer of a SAM system.

WIC 2007-2
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2007-0001 Certification and Monthly Food Benefits Issuance Cycles and Reporting Monthly Participation on the FNS-798

This policy memo provides clarification of several program requirements regarding certification and monthly food benefits issuance cycles and reporting monthly participation on the WIC Financial Management and Participation Report (FNS-798).

WIC 2007-1
Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2006-0018 WPM #2006-5: Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment-WIC Nutrition Assessment Policy

The VENA Guidance is intended to guide WIC state agencies in developing policies and procedures related to all aspects of nutrition assessment.

WIC 2006-5
Page updated: October 14, 2021