The Adolescent WIC Participants Study was a national survey of adolescent women enrolled in the WIC program and WIC clinic directors. Approximately 15 percent of the women served by the WIC program are adolescents. This study was designed to describe the characteristics of adolescent women in WIC, as well as to identify their special needs, such as nutrition education, referral to other agencies, and their satisfaction with the services they received.
The Adolescent WIC Participants Study was the first national survey of pregnant teenagers and mothers served by the WIC program. Following a series of 24 focus groups with WIC adolescents and program staff to clarify the study issues, the study team conducted a multi-stage survey of 297 WIC clinic directors and 2,649 adolescents, 14 to 19 years of age, who visited WIC clinics during a 60-day period in the first half of 1997.