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State of Origin for USDA Foods

Resource type
Research and Data
Research Reports
Research type
Resource Materials

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s food distribution programs provide food and nutrition assistance to school children and families and support American agriculture by distributing high quality, 100-percent American-grown USDA Foods.

The State of Origin data included on this page shows which USDA Foods products were purchased from each state. The data files include the quantity and dollar value of each USDA Food purchased by State of Origin. Keep in mind, the State of Origin indicates where the product was processed and packaged, but may not identify where the product was grown or raised.

Summary reports explaining high level trends from the data files are also included. Although USDA is unable to provide state of origin information prior to ordering due to the competitive nature of the procurements, these reports provide a retrospective look. The data and summary reports reflect USDA Foods regular program purchases using appropriated funds. Purchases using Food Purchase and Distribution Program, Section 32, and COVID supplemental funds are not included.

If you are looking to support agricultural markets in your region, you can consider using this information to find out which products USDA often purchases from your state—just keep in mind that future procurements may not follow these trends. Remember, all USDA Foods are 100% American grown and are local to someone. Learn where your USDA Foods are likely to come from, and what the top food produced in your state is!

Fiscal Year 2021FY21 Raw Data for all Programs
FY21 Raw Data for Child Nutrition Programs
Fiscal Year 2020FY20 Raw Data for all Programs
FY20 Raw Data for Child Nutrition Programs
FY20 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2019FY19 Raw Data for All Programs
FY19 Raw Data for Child Nutrition Programs
FY19 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2018FY18 Raw Data for All Programs
FY18 Raw Data for Child Nutrition Programs
FY18 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2017FY17 Raw DataFY17 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2016FY16 Raw DataFY16 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2015FY15 Raw DataFY15 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2014FY14 Raw DataFY14 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2013FY13 Raw DataFY13 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2012FY12 Raw DataFY12 Summary Report
Fiscal Year 2011FY11 Raw Data 
Green Icon of United States
Page updated: July 23, 2024