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Evaluation of Statewide Nutrition Education Networks (1995-1999)

One activity that reflects the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) commitment to nutrition promotion is the development of state nutrition networks. Since October 1995, USDA’s Food and Consumer Service (FCS) has awarded cooperative agreements to 22 states to create nutrition networks that would develop innovative, large-scale, and sustainable approaches to providing nutrition education to low-income families that participate or are eligible to participate in the Food Stamp Program (FSP).

Twelve states entered into agreements with FCS in 1995. In 1996, ten more states signed agreements. These agreements fund state-level nutrition education networks of state and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and representatives of private industry. The purpose of the networks is to coordinate the delivery of nutrition education messages to the low-income population eligible for food stamps. In the past, some people participating in the FSP received nutrition education through individual counseling or classes.

Now, FCS is promoting a new approach, designed to reach many more FSP participants and to bring about positive changes in behavior more effectively. The cooperative agreements provide states with resources to recruit network members, develop network membership and create a nutrition education plan that is linked to social marketing technique.

Page updated: January 24, 2025