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Dietary Intake and Dietary Attitudes Among Food Stamp Participants and Other Low-Income Individuals

Resource type
Research and Data
Research Reports
Resource Materials
PDF Icon Summary (74.17 KB)
PDF Icon Final Report (739.56 KB)

This report examines the dietary knowledge and attitudes of low-income individuals, including FSP participants and nonparticipants, describes their dietary intake, and estimates participation-dietary intake relationship.

In particular, the analysis addresses three basic questions: What do low-income adults know about healthy eating practices, and how do they feel about these practices and about their own diets? What do low-income Americans eat, and how do their diets stack up against accepted standards for healthy eating? What is the relationship between food stamp participation and dietary intake among low-income individuals and do differences in the dietary knowledge and attitudes among participants and low-income nonparticipants mediate this relationship?

Page updated: July 31, 2024