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Addressing Child Hunger and Obesity in Indian Country: Report to Congress

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Research and Data
Research Reports
Resource Materials
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This report responds to the requirement found in section 141 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) and summarizes hunger, obesity, and Type II diabetes among American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) children living on or near reservations or other tribal lands (often referred to as Indian Country). To help frame the scope of the problems, the report provides a summary of the most current available statistics on hunger, obesity, and Type II diabetes among children living in Indian Country and offers comparable statistics for the general population for context and comparison. This report also describes how USDA Federal nutrition assistance programs serve children in Indian Country and how provisions of the HHFKA and other recent initiatives may improve those services.

Page updated: July 29, 2024