Smithsonian Acquires Historic Food Coupons from USDA
Washington, DC, January 21, 2010 - At a special presentation, the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History acquired Food Stamp Program coupons and other related materials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), the cornerstone of U.S. food assistance programs designed to ensure that low income citizens can obtain a nutritious diet. In October 2008, Congress renamed the Food Stamp Program (FSP) to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to emphasize the program's focus on nutrition.
This acquisition showcases nearly 40 years of significant program changes, from paper coupons to today's Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards, which have been issued nationally since 2004. The donation includes individual food coupons, booklets, proof sheets, early artist designs, printer's plates, and sample EBT cards.
The rare materials will be part of the National Numismatic Collection (NCC) housed at the museum, which consists of more than 1.5 million objects, including coins, medals and paper currency and preserves the role of money in economic history. The Collection's highlights include a colonial Massachusetts shilling from 1690-the first paper money in the Western hemisphere - the unique 1849 $20 gold coin as well as non-traditional currency and medals. The NCC's collection includes the history of the early FSP that began with the 1935 Agricultural Adjustment Act and lasted until 1943, as well as other forms of emergency currency, such as clamshells used by Americans during the Great Depression. With the new acquisition, the museum now holds the single most comprehensive research collection pertaining to food coupons.
"The inclusion of the Food Stamp Program in the National Numismatic Collection is especially significant considering the current economic hardships facing Americans today," said museum director Brent Glass. "Millions of Americans have relied on these coupons to sustain themselves and their families, and the museum is proud to join with the USDA to document this important program."
"It is important to preserve the history of this nutrition program and recognize its continued benefits to communities across the country," said USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon. "There has never been a time in history when SNAP , the successor to the Food Stamp Program, has been more critical to Americans since it puts healthy food in reach for millions of individuals, children and families in a difficult economy."
While billions of food coupons have been distributed by the USDA since the beginning of the program, only a small sample has survived, due to the practice of the coupons being destroyed at a Federal Reserve Bank once redeemed by grocers. By law, food stamp coupons were de-obligated on June 17, 2009 and are no longer legal tender.
Food Stamps began as a pilot in the 1960s under President John F. Kennedy. Today SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program, has the highest participation in the program's history, serving nearly 38 million people, half of whom are children. While feeding low-income Americans across the country, the program also helps stimulate the economy. Every $5 in new SNAP benefits equals $9.20 in local economic activity. SNAP is the largest of the Food and Nutrition Service's 15 nutrition assistance programs that touch the lives of one in five Americans each year, and work in concert to form a national safety net against hunger. F
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