2017 FDPIR Program Nutrition Education Grants
Since 2008, FNS awards funding for nutrition education projects through Food Distribution Program Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grants each fiscal year. Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) and state agencies (SAs) that are current FDPIR allowance holders (have a direct agreement with FNS to administer FDPIR) are eligible to apply for funds to conduct projects that provide nutrition information and services to FDPIR participants. The FY 2017 SNAP Education Plan Guidance is the basis for FDPNE nutrition, gardening, and physical activities. FNS selects components of this guidance for development of FDPNE project requirements. The FY 2017 SNAP Education Plan Guidance may be reviewed at https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/library/materials/fy-2017-snap-education-plan-guidance-and-templates.
Estimated Total Program Funding
Award Ceiling
Award Floor