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Date FNS Document# Title
SP 02-2024, CACFP 02-2024, SFSP 02-2024 Revised: Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the School Meal Programs, CACFP, and SFSP
Oregon: COVID-19 Waivers & Flexibilities
FNS-933 Crediting Meats/Meat Alternates in Child Nutrition Programs Tip Sheet
School Meal Standards Comparison Chart
Transitional Standards for Milk, Sodium and Whole Grains - Webinar for State Agencies and School Food Authorities
Nationwide Waivers of Child Nutrition Monitoring
CACFP 12-2021 Reimbursement for Meals and Snacks Served to Young Adults in the CACFP - Q&A's
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #73 Child Nutrition Waiver Update
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #70 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension 5
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #63 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the SFSP and the NSLP Seamless Summer Option - Extension 8
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #38 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension 5
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #36 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension 4
COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #4 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs
CACFP Halftime: Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods in the CACFP Part 2
Medio tiempo del CACFP: “Parte 2: Identificar alimentos ricos en grano integral en el CACFP"
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Feeding Infants: 0-5
Alimentación para bebés de 0-5 meses
CACFP Meal Service Training Grants
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays - Serving Milk in the CACFP
Servir leche en el CACFP
SP 05-2018, CACFP 05-2018 Providing Child Nutrition Program Benefits to Disaster Survivor Evacuees
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Choose Yogurts That Are Lower in Added Sugars
Elija yogures con bajo contenido de azúcares añadidas
CACFP Halftime Webinar: Choose Breakfast Cereals That Are Lower in Added Sugars
Elija cereales de desayuno bajos en azúcares añadidas
SP05 SFSP05-2016 Meal Service Requirements in the Summer Meal Programs
SP 46-2014, CACFP 12-2014, SFSP 18-2014 Disaster Response
SP07-2012 Allocation of Administrative Funds for State Costs of Implementation of New Meal Patterns
FD-066 Continuation of USDA Food Assistance During a Human Pandemic (Revised)
Page updated: November 20, 2019