RIN | Description | Publication Date |
0584-AE16 | Final Rule: Eliminating Applications Through Community Eligibility as Required by the HHFKA of 2010 This final rule establishes requirements for state agencies, local educational agencies, and schools operating the Community Eligibility Provision, a reimbursement option that allows the service of school meals to all children at no-cost in high poverty schools without collecting household applications. |
0584-AE16 | Proposed Rule: NSLP and SBP Eliminating Applications Through Community Eligibility as Required by the HHFKA of 2010 This rule proposes to amend the eligibility regulations for free and reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program to codify the statutory provision that establishes the community eligibility provision, a reimbursement option for eligible local educational agencies and schools that wish to offer free school meals to all children in high poverty schools without collecting household applications. |
Federal Register RIN
Page updated: May 12, 2023