RIN | Description | Publication Date |
0584-AE07 | Final Rule: SNAP Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Grant Program This rule adopts the interim rule implementing the SNAP nutrition education and obesity prevention grant program with changes as provided in this rule. This rule also amends SNAP regulations to implement section 28 of the Food and Nutrition Act (FNA) of 2008, as added by section 241 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, to award grants to states for provision of nutrition education and obesity prevention programs. |
0584-AE07 | Interim Rule: SNAP Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Grant Program This rule amends Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) regulations to implement Section 28 of the Food and Nutrition Act (“FNA” or the “Act”) of 2008, as added by Section 241 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids (HHFK) Act of 2010, to award grants to states for provision of nutrition education and obesity prevention programs. |