Availability of Funding to Alleviate Emergency Supply Chain Disruption in FDPIR
Yes. The CCC funds may be used by FDIPR administering agencies to purchase domestically grown and produced foods for FDIPR participants. Provided these and the other conditions are met, FDIPR administering agencies may purchase foods where appropriate and in their best interest.
Salaries are an allowable cost, provided the time being charged against the CCC funds is related to the purchase and distribution of CCC FDPIR foods. Only the time worked on the purchase and distribution of the CCC foods can be paid for with CCC funds.
Yes. Transportation of the CCC foods is an allowable cost.
Yes. Transportation of the CCC foods purchased through traditional retailer vendors is an allowable cost.
Yes. Equipment, such as a cooler, is an allowable expense provided it is necessary for the storage and distribution of CCC purchases.
CSFP and FDPIR administrative funds are appropriated by Congress and using those funds to purchase food is not allowed under authorizing statute. CCC funding is a separate funding source that cannot be combined with appropriated CSFP and FDPIR funding.
Yes. Agreements can be submitted and will be accepted after the Aug. 19, 2024, deadline. Agreements will be processed in the order they were received after Aug. 19, 2024.
No. These foods are in addition to FDPIR USDA Foods and do not need to be tracked in the same way as USDA Foods inventory. Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) and state agencies need to maintain records of purchases made with CCC funds. At the end of the period of performance (Sept. 30, 2025) , unused funds will need to be returned to USDA.
No. However, please note the foods may only be provided to FDPIR participants. The domestically grown and produced food purchased with the CCC funds are distinct from the USDA Foods in the FDPIR food package. ITOs and state agencies need to maintain records of the purchases made with CCC funds. It is a best practice to keep a separate inventory of the foods purchased with CCC funds coming in and out of inventory. At the end of the period of performance (Sept. 30, 2025), unused CCC funds will need to be returned to USDA.
FNS recommends that ITOs purchase foods directly from vendors that supply the ITOs participating in the FDPIR self-determination demonstration projects. Participating ITOs are welcome to share those contacts. The domestically grown and produced requirement still applies to all CCC purchases.
No. The CCC funds can be used to purchase domestically grown and produced food products from any domestic vendor or producer. The vendor does not have to be USDA approved.
No, the CCC funds are available to cover purchases made on or after Aug. 12, 2024.
USDA will make CCC funds available to FDPIR administering agencies upon receipt of their signed agreement. After USDA allowances the CCC funds, it will take up to a week for the funds to be deposited in the bank account listed in the SAM.gov registration, to be provided in the signed agreement. The CCC funds can be used to cover the cost of food purchases to support FDPIR participants beginning on Aug. 12, 2024.
We encourage FDPIR administering agencies to accept the CCC funds, which do not expire until Sept. 30, 2025, because the national warehouse response remains a fluid situation. USDA will provide ongoing technical assistance to support FDPIR administering agencies in using the funds. At the end of the period of performance, unused CCC funds will need to be returned to USDA.
While USDA does not maintain these lists, the following resources might be of interest:
- The Intertribal Agriculture Council’s Trademark Directory
- North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems’ (NATIFS) Indigenous Food Lab Market vendors
No. The CCC funds may be used to purchase domestically grown and produced food products and do not need to be similar to items found in the FDPIR Guide Rate.
Yes, provided the turkey purchased is domestically grown and produced.
Yes. USDA is working with state agencies that operate The Emergency Food Assistance Program, or TEFAP, to facilitate connections between local food banks and FDPIR programs.
Right now, the focus is on meeting the immediate food needs of communities that depend on FDPIR and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program and resuming regular, on-time deliveries. Learn about other short-term options USDA is offering.
No. CCC funds can be used to purchase domestically grown and produced food products from any domestic vendor or producer. There is no local requirement associated with CCC funds.