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Recorded Webinars: Nutrition Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service The Indian Health Service (IHS) offers webinars on various nutrition and health topics. |
Food Safety Training in Indian County Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative This website offers food safety training and information specific to Native communities. |
Native Infusion: Rethink Your Drink A Guide to Ancestral Beverages First Nations Development Institute and the Muckleshoot Tribe’s Traditional Foods Program Native Infusion is a teaching toolkit aimed to support you and your community in making healthy choices about beverages. The toolkit integrates Native American cultural teachings and traditional health and nutrition concepts from the Coast Salish region. |
Best Practices for Receiving USDA DoD Fresh in FDPIR: Part Two United States Department of Agriculture In Part Two of this series, we discuss when different types of produce are available.
Best Practices for Receiving USDA DoD Fresh in FDPIR United States Department of Agriculture This webinar discusses the best practices for receiving fresh fruits and vegetables through the USDA DoD Fresh Program.
USDA DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: The Basics for FDPIR United States Department of Agriculture This 15-minute video describes the history of USDA DoD Fresh, how the program operates, and how to file a USDA DoD Fresh complaint.
FDPIR Webinar: New Horizons in Reporting and Resolving USDA Food Issues United States Department of Agriculture In this webinar focused on FDPIR, learn about warehousing, the USDA Foods feedback process, and how to formally enter a complaint into the Web-Based Supply Chain Management System (WBSCM).
2018 NAFDPIR Annual Conference Presentations United States Department of Agriculture USDA presentations for the Annual National Association of Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations (NAFDPIR) Conference.
Community Food Systems in Native Communities Webinar Series United States Department of Agriculture USDA Office of Community Food Systems hosted a four-part webinar series in April-May 2016 focused on integrating farm to school strategies in native communities. Each webinar featured a guest speaker who shared tips, stories, and best practices for keeping local food traditions alive in child nutrition programs that serve tribal populations. |
FNCS Nutrition Council Webinar: Celebrating Native American Heritage Month United States Department of Agriculture Learn more about nutrition education initiatives in tribal communities in this November 2015 webinar.
FDPIR Household Certification Training Course United States Department of Agriculture USDA developed the FDPIR Household Certification Training course to help Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) and State agency certification workers and their supervisors successfully administer the program. The training course is comprised of nine modules and a post test, designed to be taken in any order. Because the training is online, certification staff can access the modules 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and revisit them to refresh their knowledge at any time.
Interested in contributing content to the FDPIR Sharing Gallery? Send your recipes, photos, nutrition education materials, and other resources to
USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) facilitated the development of this Sharing Gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here.