The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) provides USDA Foods to income-eligible households living on Indian reservations and to Native American households residing in designated areas near reservations or in Oklahoma. Visit the FDPIR homepage to learn more about the program.
The FDPIR sharing gallery is a repository of resources and materials to assist Tribes and Tribal organizations who administer FDPIR in providing food and nutrition information to their program participants. Resources have been organized by format type. For ideas on using the resources provided in the sharing gallery check-out our tip sheets.
Interested in contributing content to the FDPIR sharing gallery? Send your recipes, photos, nutrition education materials, and other resources to Please review our recipe criteria for submitting recipes.
Click on one of the following categories to explore what resources are available.

Recipes and Cookbooks
This gallery contains cookbooks and recipes that highlight USDA Foods in the FDPIR food package. Cookbooks and recipes can be used to provide participants with ideas on how to utilize foods found in their FDPIR food package. USDA Foods Product Information Sheets can also be used as a source for recipes and nutrition information – there is an information sheet for each item offered in the FDPIR food package. All recipes and cookbooks are produced by Tribes, non-profit organizations, and the USDA.
Check out these tips for how to use the resources in this gallery to provide nutrition education!

This gallery contains handouts such as infographics, brochures, and factsheets on a variety of nutrition education topics from sources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Indian Health Service (IHS), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These handouts can easily be printed and distributed or shared online with program participants.
Check out these tips for how to use the resources in this gallery to provide nutrition education!

This gallery contains video resources that can be used as part of a training or presentation or to provide inspiration and ideas to FDPIR program participants.
Check out these tips for how to use the resources in this gallery to provide nutrition education!

This gallery contains photo albums from multiple tribal FDPIR program sites and government agencies. These photos can be used to add visual appeal to presentations and handouts, or on social media messaging and websites.

This gallery features a variety of toolkits to assist FDPIR program operators in providing nutrition-related content to their participants. Toolkits include resources such as lesson plans, videos, handouts, and other materials useful for educating on specific subjects.

Grant Opportunities
This gallery features nutrition related grant opportunities that Tribes and FDPIR program operators may be eligible to apply for. Grants are a great way to secure funding to pursue specific nutrition-related projects and initiatives.

Additional Resources
This gallery features links to outside organizations that provide programming, funding, or resources specifically tailored to Tribes. These organizations often link to additional resources and can be a source to help identify partners for future nutrition-related projects or initiatives.
If you have any questions about where to find a particular resource or how to best utilize the resources included in the sharing gallery please reach out to us at USDA
FNS facilitated the development of this sharing gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here.