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Grant Close-Out for Farm to School Grantees

Closing Out Your Grant/Cooperative Agreement

The 90-day closeout period is used by grantees to pay outstanding bills, complete the final progress report, and finalize the final SF 425 report.

In order to determine an obligation for closeout costs, grantees should identify closeout activities, calculate what the estimated costs would be, and establish a commitment in accordance with their internal accounting systems. These closeout costs should be minimal. The grantee may use previously incurred costs for estimating purposes.

Grantees should obligate, i.e., commit, these funds before the end of the grant period (since new costs cannot be incurred during the closeout period) and charge these costs to the final quarter of the grant.

Unspent funds should be returned to ASAP (via a negative draw) prior to the end of the 90-day closeout period. If after receiving and reviewing the final financial report FNS finds that there are unspent funds; the grantee will be required to return those funds via a check to:

P.O. Box 979027
St. Louis, MO

Note: Please add the grant type (e.g., planning) and grant agreement number in the memo of the check.

Important Reminder: Grantees may not incur any new costs or continue project activities after the end of the grant expiration date of their project.

Page updated: July 15, 2024

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