The Automated Standard Application for Payments or ASAP (pronounced ‘a-sap’) is used by grantees to draw down awarded funds. It is administered by the U.S. Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service. “Draw down” means requesting your funds be paid.
ASAP is NOT connected to the Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS); they are two separate systems that do not share information.
- July - September: Complete ASAP enrollment
- FPRS quarterly reports are due Jan. 30, April 30, July 30, and Oct. 30.
- As you spend money, be sure to draw down throughout the project - quarterly draws are a best practice to align with FPRS reporting.
- You determine the frequency and timing of your draw downs, either request the funds in advance of expenses or after expenses occur as a reimbursement.
- Based on your upcoming activities, plan your ASAP draws to cover those expenses.
- All spending for grant activities must be finished by your grant end date.
- You have 120 days after your grant end date to make your final draw down to reimburse expenses.
ASAP Enrollment
- When enrolling in ASAP, you will receive an email from your grant officer with an ASAP registration form. Complete and submit the form to your grant officer.
- You will receive an email from U.S. Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service when ASAP enrollment is initiated. If you do not see your enrollment email within 10 days of returning your enrollment information, ensure that you check your spam and junk folders. The email should come from a email address.
- Verify identity with and link your account to ASAP.
- is a separate platform used by ASAP for identity verification and authentication.
- Your organization's point of contact logs into ASAP and completes the following actions:
- Verify access
- Add user roles
- Approve officials
- Define banking information
Additional Enrollment Instructions
- Getting Started
- Registering and Enabling Multi-factor Authentication
- Enrollment Training Recording
- Grantee On-Boarding Checklist
Using ASAP
Update Roles
Point of contact is currently with organization but organization needs to add or change the point of contact:
- Point of contact is currently with organization but organization needs to add or change the point of contact:
- Option A
- Recipient organization point of contact (POC) logs into ASAP
- Hover over “Enrollment” tab and click either “Add Officials” or “Modify/Delete Officials”
- Add, modify or delete the roles of “Head of Organization," “Authorizing Official,” “Financial Official,” and “Point of Contact”
- Option B
- The recipient organization authorizing official (AO) logs into ASAP
- Hover over “Enrollment” tab and click either “Add Users and Roles” or “Modify/Delete Users and Roles”
- Add, modify or delete payment requestors or inquiry only roles
- Option A
- If the point of contact is no longer with the organization and the organization needs to replace the point of contact, the recipient organization needs to reach out to their grant officer to initiate the process of replacing the POC.
Get Help
ASAP is a program of the U.S. Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Therefore FNS can only provide minimal support with ASAP enrollment or issues. Please utilize ASAP support for any issues in enrolling or using ASAP.
- ASAP Help Desk: (855)868-0151; Select option number 2; then option number 3.
- ASAP website:
- ASAP Monthly Webinars: The ASAP team offers live monthly webinars for recipient enrollment and payment requests. This link provides the benefits of ASAP, an overview of how ASAP works, program features, payment options and more.
- ASAP Tutorial:
- Log on to with your user ID and password.
- Click on Help (second from the right on the top blue menu bar)
- Select payment requestors under Tutorials
If you have technical difficulties with, visit the help center. Your grant officer cannot help you with the process. You must work with to authenticate your identity.