The study collected data on-site on food, labor, and other meal production costs for a five day period. A major goal was to test the feasibility of identifying meal production costs that were not charged to the SFA account (to obtain full costs) and directly allocating costs to different SFA activities.
This study is an analysis of very low birthweight among Medicaid newborns and the effect of prenatal WIC participation on the likelihood of very low birthweight.
The primary objective of this study was to determine the savings in Medicaid costs for newborns and their mothers during the first 60 days after birth resulting from participating the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) during pregnancy.
This publication is a practical guide for WIC administrators to design and implement program evaluations.
Purpose of this report is to manage the Child Nutrition programs effectively, FNS collects and analyzes information from annual State-level management reports.
This study presents the first nationally representative profiles of FDPIR participant and program characteristics, and the food-assistance needs and preferences among this particular target population. This executive summary provides a brief historical perspective on the program, describes the objectives and methodology of the evaluation, and summarizes the major finding.
Prior to 1982, school districts were not required to verify the income or household size declared by households that applied for meal benefits. It was assumed that households were correctly reporting their income, and children from households that applied and declared a sufficiently Low income were given free or reduced-price meals. From 1982 to the present, the verification of household income for at least some of the approved application s for meal benefits has been part of each school district's responsibilities.