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USDA Foods Cheese in CSFP

USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) purchases a variety of USDA Foods to provide nutrition assistance to low-income households including seniors participating in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). These foods support American agriculture, as all USDA Foods are required to be grown and produced in the United States. 

FNS has developed a factsheet for staff working in CSFP outlets that receive, store, and/or distribute USDA Foods for CSFP. This factsheet can be emailed, printed and distributed, or displayed as a poster to ensure CSFP staff know how to properly handle, store, and distribute USDA Foods cheese.  

Factsheet for CSFP Program Staff

In order to ensure CSFP clients understand how to properly handle and store the cheese they receive, FNS has also developed a flyer that can be shared with program participants. The flyer is designed as a half-sheet so CSFP program staff can print and cut along the dotted line for easy distribution in the food package.

Flyer for CSFP Customers

Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Page updated: June 12, 2024