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Commodity Supplemental Food Program: Revised Food Package Maximum Monthly Distribution Rates

This memo has been superseded by the Feb. 26, 2021 memo, Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP): Guidance on Temporary Food Package Issuance with Modified Quantities of Vegetables.

Date: October 22, 2020
Subject: Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP): Revised Food Package Maximum Monthly Distribution Rates
To: Regional Directors
Special Nutrition Programs
State Directors
CSFP State Agencies
All Participating States

Per program regulations at 7 CFR 247.10(a), CSFP local agencies must distribute food packages to CSFP participants every month (or bi-monthly) in accordance to the CSFP guide rate established by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). The attached Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Maximum Monthly Distribution Rates (Distribution Rates or guide rate) revises those previously issued by FNS on Oct. 25, 2019. These revised Distribution Rates (Attachment A), are updated as follows:

  • Adds the new package size and formulation for Beef Chili with Beans (15 oz);
  • Removes the larger package size for nonfat dried milk (25.6 oz);
  • Removes the Distribution Rates for children (previously Attachment A.1), as this population is no longer eligible for CSFP;
  • Removes the October 2018 and February 2020 Distribution Rates (previously Attachment A.3 and B) and the Allowable Substitutions (previously Attachment C), as these attachments are no longer applicable.

The new package size and formulation for chili is the result of the ongoing efforts to enhance the CSFP Food Package based on stakeholder feedback. The new formulation includes a mix of beans and ground beef and has a lower sodium profile than the current chili. Additionally, the chili is available in a smaller package size (15 oz) to achieve additional variety in the meat, poultry, and fish category and better meet the needs of small households. Please note, the 24 oz canned chili is being phased out and should be distributed to households until inventory is depleted.

Please note, some foods in the food package may be unavailable due to changing agricultural market conditions. This may impact the choices listed within the Food Package Categories. State agencies must closely monitor their inventories and ensure they are ordering only what is needed to maintain one to no more than three months of inventory.

State agency staff who have questions may contact their respective FNS regional offices, who may in turn contact the national office.

Laura Castro
Food Distribution Division


Page updated: December 23, 2021

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.