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Health and Medicine Division Study

The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) commissioned the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division to conduct an independent study on the process to update the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Dietary Guidelines).

Prior to the Health and Medicine Division beginning the study, CNPP held listening sessions with a range of stakeholders, representing health professional and public health organizations, academia, industries, and others. All oral remarks were recorded and the transcript was shared with the Health and Medicine Division prior to its initiation of the study.

The Health and Medicine Division’s study findings are now available. The study culminated in two reports, one on the process for selecting the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and another on the remaining aspects of the Dietary Guidelines development process.

Now that the study is complete, a second set of listening sessions was held on Nov. 28, 2017, to hear feedback regarding the recent Health and Medicine Division reports. The transcript of the oral remarks and written comments (see below) submitted as part of this set of listening sessions are available to promote transparency.

USDA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services jointly develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans every five years. Together, the Departments will carefully consider the reports and stakeholder input on the process.

The Health and Medicine Division’s independent study does not impact the outcome of the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as this edition is final.

Written comments submitted as part of the Nov. 28, 2017, listening session:
1,000 DaysNational Cattlemen’s Beef Association
American Academy of Pediatric DentistryNational Confectioners Association
American Academy of PediatricsNational Dairy Council
American Bakers AssociationNational Fisheries Institute
American Beverage AssociationNational Potato Council
American College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsNational Turkey Federation
American Dental Hygienists’ AssociationNorth American Meat Institute
American Egg Board’s Egg Nutrition CenterThe Nutrition Coalition
American Frozen Food InstituteNutrition Policy Institute
American Society for NutritionPhysicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.Produce for Better Health Foundation
Can Manufacturers InstituteSalt Institute
Center for Science in the Public InterestSchool Nutrition Association
Corn Refiners AssociationSNAC International
Distilled Spirits CouncilThe Sugar Association
Food Research & Action CenterTufts University
Grocery Manufacturers AssociationUnion of Concerned Scientists
Infant Nutrition Council of AmericaUnited Fresh Produce Association
Institute of Food TechnologistsUnited States Cattlemen’s Association
International Bottled Water AssociationUniversity of Minnesota
International Food Information Council FoundationUSA Rice
Mission: Readiness 
Page updated: January 30, 2025