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Reimbursement under the NSLP for Snacks Served in After School Care Programs Operated by Residential Child Care Institutions

EO Guidance Document #
Resource type
Policy Memos
Guidance Documents
Resource Materials
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DATE: August 18, 1999
SUBJECT: Reimbursement under the National School Lunch Program for Snacks Served in After School Care Programs Operated by Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI)
TO: Regional Directors
Special Nutrition Programs
All Regions

The Jan. 14, 1999, memorandum implementing the after school snack provision of the Child Nutrition Programs’ reauthorization legislation stated that RCCIs would not be eligible for this benefit. This decision was based on the fact that children in residential institutions would not have the opportunity to engage in “at risk” behavior in the community and would not, therefore, need programs of the sort envisioned by the law. However. RCCIs often have nonresidential care components, and these components may offer after school education and enrichment programs that help reduce or prevent children’s involvement in juvenile crime or other high risk behavior. Some RCCIs also offer such programs to residential children in order to enhance their education and training experiences.

To address these situations, we are authorizing RCCIs to participate in the after school snack program. To be eligible, RCCIs must meet all other requirements established for this benefit. Specifically, they must have a care program that includes an appropriate education or enrichment program as outlined in the Jan. 14, 1999, memorandum. Finally, RCCIs that have already been serving snacks that meet program patterns and have been properly counting these meals may claim reimbursement retroactively. RCCIs in this situation will have until Dec. 31, 1999 to submit claims for snacks served between October 1998 and July 1999 to allow them sufficient time to submit claims after the state agency notifies them of their eligibility. This expanded access to after school snacks would also apply to boarding schools that have developed eligible programs.

Please advise your state agencies of this authorization.

Edward M. Cooney
Deputy Administrator
Special Nutrition Programs

Page updated: December 09, 2021

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.