FY 2013 Administrative Review and Training Grants
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (PL 108-265) amended Section 22 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA), to establish a requirement that state agencies conduct additional administrative reviews (AARs) of selected local educational agencies. It also amended Section 7 of the Child Nutrition Act to provide funding for states to conduct administrative reviews and provide training for local educational agencies. These requirements are focused on school food authorities (SFAs) which have demonstrated a high level of, or a high risk for, administrative error.
To assist state agencies in achieving these requirements, the Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will provide funding for Administrative Reviews and Training Grants (ART). The grant funds will be available only to the 57 state agencies that administer the Child Nutrition Programs for the purpose of conducting AARs of SFAs that have demonstrated a high level of, or a high risk for, administrative error. The goal of the ART Method I Request for Applications (RFA) for grant funding is to encourage and support state agencies in their efforts to decrease administrative errors by conducting AARs of those SFAs that may have a high level of, or a high risk for, administrative error.
This RFA seeks applications for funding to conduct AARs of high-risk SFAs and a plan for reviews that would be conducted to address these errors. The requirement for AARs is described in FNS memorandum SP18-2013 which can be found on the FNS public website or on the agency’s PartnerWeb. Funding may be requested up to $3,500 per review. Due to variations in state agency size, State agencies may be allowed to request more than $3,500 per SFA review. If a state agency requests more than $3,500 per review, appropriate justification must be provided to enable FNS to determine whether or not the increase is justifiable. All costs, including indirect costs, must be actual and documented. State agencies may request funding for reviews to be completed by Sept. 30, 2014. The funds may cover activity for the remainder of the school year 2012-2013 and activity for school year 2013-2014.