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Funding Opportunity #

FY 2011 Administrative Review and Training Grants (ART) Method I


The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (PL 108-265) amended Section 22 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and Section 7 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to establish a requirement that SAs conduct additional administrative reviews of selected SFAs and training of selected SFAs. To support SAs in meeting these statutory requirements, FNS makes available ART Grants to reduce administrative errors and to conduct additional administrative reviews. Method I awards are specifically for the purpose of conducting additional administrative reviews. In the future, Method II award applications - which are provided to SAs for special ART projects proposed via a concept paper - will be requested. Please note that this RFA is solely for grants to be awarded and administered under Method I.


The purpose of these grants is to encourage and support state agencies (SAs) in their efforts to decrease administrative errors and to conduct additional administrative reviews of those SFAs that may have a high level of or a high risk for administrative error. SAs interested in obtaining funding under Method I should review this RFA (Attachment A) and complete the attached template (Attachment B) which contains a series of questions. The attached SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance, and SF-424(B), Assurances must also be completed as well as the entire application package (Pg. 9). Funding may be requested up to $3,500 per SFA for administrative review. All allocated costs, including indirect costs, must be actual and documented. All applicants must apply for this funding directly through the following website: - no later than 5 p.m. on Feb. 18, 2011.


PL 108-265 authorizes funding for ART Grants. To be eligible, SAs must identify SFAs or schools that are experiencing or are likely to experience administrative errors.

Page updated: January 18, 2024