This collection is a revision of a currently approved collection for state administrative expense funds expended in the operation of the child nutrition programs administered under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966.
Section 7 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (PL 89-642), 42 USC 1776, authorizes the department to provide federal funds to state agencies (SAs) for administering the Child Nutrition Programs (7 CFR parts 210, 215, 220, 226 and 250). State Administrative Expense (SAE) Funds, 7 CFR part 235, sets forth procedures and recordkeeping requirements for use by SAs in reporting and maintaining records of their need and use of SAE funds. A summary of the reporting and recordkeeping burden associated with this revision is presented in the table below.
In addition to FNS-525 Financial Status Report, which is used by the state agencies to report information related to the SAE funds, this collection has another form, FNS-777 Financial Status Report, associated with it. FNS-777 and its associated burden is approved under OMB# 0584-0594 Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS) (expiration date July 31, 2023) and therefore is not included in this collection. The recordkeeping requirements associated with FNS-777 and the burden for maintaining those records is included in this information collection.
For this revision, 245 hours of reporting burden is being reduced due to FNS-525 form revisions. The FNS-525 has been completely revised to eliminate duplication of effort. The information collected in the previous version is already available to FNS because it is collected in the FNS-777. The revised form was created to reflect the updated process for State Administrative Expense reallocation funding. It is included with this notice to allow for public comment. With these revisions, FNS estimates that the time to complete this form will decrease from 12 hours and 30 minutes to 2 hours and 15 minutes. The revised FNS-525 form is included with this notice.