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Comment Request - School Breakfast Program

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this information collection. This is a revision of a currently approved collection, which FNS employs to determine public participation in the School Breakfast Program.


Section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (CNA) (42 USC 1773) authorizes the School Breakfast Program (SBP) as a nutrition assistance program in schools, and requires that “Breakfasts served by schools participating in the SBP under this section shall consist of a combination of foods and shall meet minimum nutritional requirements prescribed by the Secretary on the basis of tested nutritional research.”

This information collection is required to administer and operate this program in accordance with the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA). The program is administered at the state and school food authority (SFA) levels, and operations include the submission of applications and agreements, submission of claims for reimbursements, and maintenance of records.

The reporting and recordkeeping burden associated with this revision is summarized in the charts below. The total estimated number of burden hours associated with SBP requirements has decreased by 121,094 annual burden hours due to the use of updated participation data from fiscal year 2020.

This collection has reporting forms associated with it, such as the “Report of School Program Operations” form (FNS-10), that are approved and included in the information collection titled “Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS)” (OMB #: 0584-0594, expiration date July 31, 2023).

The FPRS information collection accounts for the reporting burden associated with such forms, while this collection covers the burden associated with the maintenance of FNS forms, or regulatory record keeping requirements. All of the reporting and recordkeeping requirements associated with the SBP and included in this collection are currently approved by the Office of Management and Budget and are in force.

This is a revision of the currently approved information collection.

Page updated: February 25, 2022