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Coordinated Review Effort; National Average Daily Attendance

DATE: July 21, 2006
MEMO CODE: SP 28-2006
SUBJECT: Coordinated Review Effort; National Average Daily Attendance
TO: Regional Director
Special Nutrition Programs
All Regions

We have obtained the latest school enrollment and attendance figures from the Department of Education. The total enrollment (48,441,112) and the total average daily attendance (45,230,571) are from School Year 2004 data.

For your information, the updated national average daily attendance factor for use during Coordinated Review for School Year 2006-2007 is 93.4 percent. This factor is calculated by dividing the total national average daily attendance by the total enrollment for the year.

Melissa A. Rothstein
Program Analysis and Monitoring Branch
Child Nutrition Division

Page updated: December 16, 2021

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