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Agreements With Entities Which Operate Interstate Schools and Facilities

Program regulations require administering agencies (state educational, alternate or distributing agencies, or Food and Nutrition regional offices) to enter into written agreements with school food authorities or sponsoring organizations of child care facilities or summer sites which desire to participate in one or more of the Department's child nutrition programs. The administering agency in the state in which the school, facility, or site is located shall take the agreement regardless of where the school food authority or sponsoring organization office is located. Thus, when a sponsor has a business office in one state and operates a child nutrition program, in another state(s), an agreement is made with all administering agencies in the state(s) in which the program activity takes place. Records that are associated with the food service program are to be maintained in the state which has the agreement.

This arrangement will facilitate the distribution of available donated foods to the participating units. In addition, such a policy will permit it state or regional administering personnel to provide onsite supervisory and technical assistance without becoming involved with "cut-of-state" travel restrictions.

Page updated: June 14, 2024

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.