DATE: | February 17, 1999 |
SUBJECT: | Afterschool Snacks in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the At Risk Component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) |
TO: | Regional Directors Special Nutrition Programs All Regions |
On Jan. 14, 1999, we issued a policy memorandum “Reimbursement for Snacks in After School Care Programs (SP 99-4); (CACFP 99-4).” After issuing this policy memo, we received a number of questions regarding the implementation of this new meal service. In an effort to respond to those questions, we have enclosed the first set of questions and answers. We intend to follow up with a second set of questions and answers in the near future.
Please note a change in the criteria for eligible afterschool care programs. In the January 14, 1999 policy issuance, we stated. “To be eligible to qualify for reimbursement under the NSLP, after school care programs must meet the following criteria. First, they must be run by a school that is eligible to operate the NSLP…” We have been advised by counsel that this interpretation does no conform to the requirements of Section 17A of the National School Lunch Act. Under Section 17A(a)(2)(A), eligible schools are schools that “operate school lunch programs under this Act...”
As a result, you will note that Question 1 revises the eligibility criteria for the NSLP. Under the NSLP, “a school food authority must operate the lunch component and the school district must sponsor or operate an afterschool care program which: a) provides children with regularly scheduled activities in an organized, structured and supervised environment; and (h) includes educational or enrichment activities.”
We regret any confusion and inconvenience this may cause, however, state agencies should be reminded that any school that cannot claim reimbursement for snacks under the NSLP as a result i this change may be eligible to participate in the at risk component of the CACFP.
We appreciate your assistance in providing questions for consideration. We believe this collaborative effort will result in the sound and speedy implementation of this new initiative.
Child Nutrition Division