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Reimbursement For Meals or Milk Served to Continuous School Calendar Students

DATE: October 26, 2010
POLICY MEMO: 786-9 Rev. 2
SUBJECT: Reimbursement for Meals or Milk Served to  Continuous School Calendar Students

Regional Directors
Special Nutrition Programs

State Agencies
Regional Directors

PURPOSE: This Instruction sets forth the policy on reimbursement for meals or milk served to continuous school calendar students.  

AUTHORITY: 7 CFR 210.7, 7 CFR 215.8 and 7 CFR 220.11 

DISCUSSION: In schools which operate on a continuous school calendar, any meals or milk served to students who are on their vacation break are not eligible for reimbursement. It is the intent of the law that only those children who are participating in the normal educational process be eligible for meals or milk under the National School Lunch, Commodity School, School Breakfast and Special Milk Programs. 

Diane Kriviski
Acting Associate Administrator 
Special Nutrition Programs 

Page updated: April 05, 2023

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.