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Comment Request: Child and Adult Care Food Program

Publication Date

Section 17 of the National School Lunch Act, as amended (42 USC 1766), authorizes the Child and Adult Care Program (CACFP). Under this program, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to provide cash reimbursement and commodity assistance, on a per meal basis, for food service to children in nonresidential child care centers and family or group day care homes, and to eligible adults in nonresidential adult day care centers. The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has established application, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements to manage the Program effectively, and ensure that the legislative intent of this mandate is responsibly implemented.

The information collected is necessary to enable institutions wishing to participate in the CACFP to submit applications to the administering agencies, execute agreements with those agencies, and claim the reimbursement to which they are entitled by law. FNS and state agencies administering the program will use the collected information to determine eligibility of institutions to participate in the CACFP, ensure acceptance of responsibility in managing an effective food service, implement systems for appropriating program funds, and ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

Page updated: May 25, 2023