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Additional Guidance on the CACFP Second Interim Rule

DATE: December 23, 2004
SUBJECT: Additional Guidance on the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Second Interim Rule
TO: State Agency Directors
Administering CACFP
All States
Regional Directors
Child Nutrition Programs
All Regions

In September and October 2004, the Food and Nutrition Service conducted conference calls to answer questions from state agency staff about implementation of the second interim rule entitled, Child and Adult Care Food Program: Improving Management and Program Integrity. We have drafted responses to the questions we received, in writing and during the calls, to share with you and your state agencies.

We have attempted to address all of the questions we received pertaining to the regulatory changes in the second interim rule. We have not included the questions that dealt with other regulatory issues, choosing instead to focus our attention exclusively on the obligations of state agencies and child care institutions presented in this rule. The attached guidance provides information to help CACFP staff build a stronger understanding of the rule’s requirements on:

  • Applications,
  • Agreements,
  • Household contacts,
  • Enrollments forms,
  • Facility review elements and review requirements,
  • Block claim (and other) edit checks,
  • Review cycles for sponsored facilities,
  • Training,
  • Tier I eligibility based on food stamp participation,
  • State agency denial of facility payments,
  • Audit requirements,
  • State agency outreach requirements,
  • Incentive bonuses, and
  • WIC information

Along with this new guidance, CACFP staff should continue to refer to the guidance we issued on Sept. 1, 2004. State agencies should find both sets of guidance useful tools as they continue their implementation of these provisions. We intend to provide a more in- depth discussion of most of these regulatory changes in the national training for all state agency staff in spring 2005.

State agencies should contact their regional office staff if they have any questions concerning this guidance.

Child Nutrition Division


Page updated: December 01, 2021

The contents of this guidance document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.